Activity one
Review Unit
Watch this link about Reported Speech.
Then exercise with these link. Complete them, take a screenshot once you're finished and send it to my mail.
Activity two
Download and print the PDF files, use the Reported Speech and write the answers.
Simple Present
to Simple Past.
Present Continuous
to Past Continuous.
Simple Past
to Past Perfect.
Activity three
Reading Comprehension. Read the text and complete the activities using simple past and the reported speech in the correct tense.
Unit 1: My first Job
To show comprehension of oral and written expression.
To show comprehension of texts, and apply speaking and writing strategies to express ideas about the texts.
To express opinions and ideas about a first job , incorporating topic vocabulary and structures of the unit and join them coherently by using connectors.
Use Reported Speech in different activities concerning different jobs.
Demostrar comprensión de expresiones orales y escritas.
Demostrar comprensión de textos y usar estrategias orales y escritas para expresar ideas en textos.
Expresar opiniones e ideas acera de un primer trabajo incorporando vocabulary y estructuras de la unidad de manera coherente usando conectores.
Usar Reported Speech en diferentes actividades concerniente a distintos tipos de trabajo.

Look at the picture and answer the questions.
Do you think "dream jobs" really exist?
What factors would make a "dream job"?
Do you think it's important to be passionate about your job? Support your answers.
Module 1
Lesson 1:
Students and Jobs. While Reading (p 10, 11)
1. Read the text, work on vocabulary with at least a 20 words with the meaning in Spanish.
2. Do the "Smart Reading" and "Your Analysis" activities.
Lesson 2: Different Skills.
While and After Reading (p 16, 17)
Read the text and do the following tasks:
1. Work on Vocabulary from the text (20 words at least)
2. Do the "Smart Reading" section
3. Do the "Your Analysis (exercise 1 & 2)" section
Send me an email with your vocabulary and answers to my mail when you finish
Remember to ask me anything if you have any question.